Multi Disciplinary research bulletin is dedicated to publish original research that may contain any kind of research design i.e. descriptive, exploratory, explanatory and even combining predictive or any kind of combination of research design based on the purpose of the research.

Multi Disciplinary research bulletin always encourage empirical and contemporary research.

There must be noble approach in the research to address significant issues of the area concerned.

Multi Disciplinary research bulletin encourage quality and authentic data of primary research conducted by the research scholars to meet their research objectives in national scope.



Commerce, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Corporate Governance, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management, Quality Management Training and Development


Information Technology, Computer Application, Civil Engineering, Machanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physics

Medical Science

Medicine, Health, Nursing, Clinical Research, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Phytochemistry


 Social Science

Humanities, Sociology, Education, Political Science, Law, Policy, Social Review, Arts, History, Philosophy, English



Physical Education

Sports, Yoga, Physiotherapy, Physiology, Exercise, Health



Botany, Bioscience, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Clinical Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Agriculture, Chemistry, Environment and Ecology, Food Science, Nutrition, Plant Science, Entomology, Zoology, Fisheries


Hotel and catering technology, hospitality, Aviation, Eco-Tourism, Medical Tourism, Destination tourism


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