Multi Disciplinary research bulletin

ISSN 2583-5122 (online)

Challenges of the Management Graduates for Job Opportunities in India

  Multi Disciplinary research bulletin: Volume 01, Issue 02 | November 2022 | ISSN 2583-5122 (online)

Challenges of the Management Graduates for Job Opportunities in India

There was a situation in Indian Economy, when food, shelter and clothing formed the basic needs human being. However, with the development in the nation, another important factor that got introduced and involved in the bucket of basic human requirement to live was education or “Right to education”. When the economic liberalization in 1991 started in India, it released the private sector and with the rapid setup of privatization, the demand for MBAs shot up. The MNCs were showing their interest to pay the expected money to the fresh talent who were keen and capable of putting traditional businesses on fast-track module with their innovative ideas and skillsets. Management became a priority career option for undergraduates and hence MBA, the key to success in their professional career. If we talk about the current situation in 2022, one of the most crucial industries is the education industry. The education is the only vertical where the exchange of knowledge along with the involvement of the economic factor is fostering.

The ambition of today’s youth after completing their post-graduation, especially Management aims to secure a good and reputed job or to become an entrepreneur irrespective of what one has learned from his management course and education.

In this new generation of liberalization, privatization, and globalization, the knowledge and education are the raw material of any industry, and its human resource is considered as the most valuable asset of the industry whatsoever is the role on which the resource is working. It behaves as the distinguishing element for their competitors. The education of management domain is improving and renovating the human resource to develop more productivity and expertise. This is what we generally expected from management education programs earlier when it started evolving in India and even today as well.

Research and studies were understanding the root cause and implement into this factor but the only outcome which could be seen about management education programs with orientation to employability is that the students who are passing out from many management institutions are raw and ready to learn. Previously, the institutions and students used to look at management education as a golden corridor towards a white-collar job, but it is not the situation now. So, the skill sets which we are considering at to groom students and get them into indentation so that they get opportunities with reference to this many reviews has emphasized that there is a huge gap between the management students and Industry’s needs.

The management curriculum has become antiquated, and it doesn’t match with existing as well as upcoming needs of industries. Today, post graduate management programs are successively in a widely awareness determined economy and hence it emphasize to anticipate the changes happening globally like rising of emergent markets, the maturing of global population, the power of unsettling technologies, the participating world, and the reappearance of geo-politics. This will be affecting employability not only for those who are waiting to get hired for jobs but also for those who are already on the jobs.

If we do not get re-skilled to adapt to the future trend in technologies and put them in practice, students coming out after their graduation or post-graduation will be inadequate skills. Therefore, we need to understand the conception of both graduate and postgraduate ’employability’, along with alterations happening within the professional labor market.


Ashish Khullar
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