Reference within the text / paragraphs:

Referencing styles :Harvard system:

(A) If there is one author and author name is subject of the sentence:

  1. Thakur (2022) has demonstrated that…….
  2. Saxena (2020) suggests that….

(B) If there is one author and author name is NOT being used as subject of the sentence:

  1. …….that is not the fact of rational model (Thakur 2022)
  2. ……..60% households in India are eating… (Saxena 2020)

(C) If we have to use the same author further in the SAME PARAGRAPH….

  1. As Thakur suggests……
  2. As Saxena emphasized…..

(D) If we have to use the same author in NEXT PARAGRAPH AGAIN….

  1. Thakur (2022)
  2. Saxena (2020)

(E) Two or more co-authors:

  1. Thakur, Saxena and Singh (2021) given good advice that…..


  1. First name followed by et al.  Thakur et al.

(G) More than one author:

  1. (Thakur 2022; Saxena 2020) agreed that….

(H) To distinguish between two or more publications by the same author with the same year of publication:

  1. Pandey (2019a) says that…
  2. In order to reach to a conclusion consideration of all aspect is must (Singh 2021b)…

(I) If research work is not by any individual author rather by any organization, in such case name of the organization is to be used.

  1. In the survey in India in 2011 it was found that humidity percentage is increasing day by day (GSI 2011)

(J) If any article has been cited by any other in his book- for example Thakur cited an article of saxena in his book in the year 2022. In this case write the name of main author and not the name of author who had cited the article.

  1. saxena (2020)…….NOT Thakur (2022)

Writing Bibliography:

  1. BOOK : Author’s surname, followed by the initials, year of publication in round brackets, title of the book, italicized and only the first word and proper nouns capitalized, edition number, if appropriate, place of publication followed by a colon, name of the publisher.
  2. ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL: Author’s surname, followed by the initials, year of publication in round brackets, title of the article in speech marks, title of the journal in italics, month or date of issue, the volume number, the issue number, page number-preceded by ‘p’. for a single page and ‘pp’. for multiple pages.
  3. ORGANISATION: Name of the organization, year of publication in round brackets, title of the article in speech marks.
  4. ARTICLES IN NON-ACADEMIC SOURCES: (NEWS PAPER, MANUALS) : Authors name, and mix of a standard procedure mentioned in case of books, articles in a journals and organization, depending upon availability of the informations.
  5. FOR AN INTERNET SOURCE: Authors surname, first name, or homepage/institution/university/business name, date if available, <email address> if given, title of document, internet address URL www.address, date site visited.
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