Multi Disciplinary research bulletin

ISSN 2583-5122 (online)

Employer brand – and why it matters

  Multi Disciplinary research bulletin: Volume 01, Issue 01 | August 2022

Employer brand – and why it matters

  It is the company’s image or identity that does matter a lot for the companies. A corporate brand is concerned with its values and brand message. Companies work very hard to build their brand that ensures the preferred way of perception of other people about the organization concerned. Employees always want to work for an organization that offers a congenial working environment and culture. Employees’ perception of the organization’s work culture determines the market’s reputation.  This article highlights the significance of corporate branding keeping in mind hiring skilled workers. Word corporate branding and employer branding have been used in this article interchangeably. Corporate reputation is considered to be an important aspect of organizations due to the shortage of skilled and talented workforce. Sengupta et al. (2015). There are many activities that corporates do to communicate a desired kind of perception to job seekers. Those activities include recruitment activities, walk-ins, print media advertisements, etc. all these corporates do to hire a talented workforce. Collins and Stevens (2002). So these activities and efforts can be said a tool for corporate branding. Other tools that required attention are Feedback in the Selection Processes-as part of organizational communication, Applicant Reactions to the Selection Process and Rejection Process, and Candidates’ Reactions: Feedback in Selection Processes-as part of organizational communication Once a candidate applies for the job that action of the candidate should be considered by the organization as a relational approach. Application sent by the candidate to the organization concerned is an offer to start a relationship with the organization concerned. Organizations must maintain a proper way of communication with the candidate to transfer the right perception. Many organizations do not do it in the right way which spoils the organizational image in the mind of applicants. Chand D. (2004) Applicant Reactions to the Selection Process Applicants react to the selection process of an organization as per their experience of the entire selection process of the organization concerned. Applicant reacts to the attitudes of the interviewer or about the entire process of the interview through their own thought process and experience and accordingly, they make a perception about the organization. Ryan A.M., Ployhart R.E. (2000) mentioned that selection process perception has a direct relation with employer branding. So it is a very crucial area for employers to transfer the right image to the interviewee. Rejection Procedure and Candidates’ Reactions: Rejection is such a thing that implies negativity. It is obvious that a person who got a rejection from any organization will not carry a positive perception about the organization concerned. So rejection communication from the organization to the candidate is very vital to transfer the right perception about the organization despite being rejected. Conclusion It is organizational image perception in the mind of job seekers that influences them to apply for the job. Employer branding is such a thing that influences job seekers psychologically. Feedback in the selection process especially in case of rejection of a candidate bridge the gap between applicants’ perception and the right image of the organization. So organizations need to focus on rejection feedback to overcome these branding issues and loosing the right talented candidates. Rejection feedback is generally a communication that helps create the right perception about the organization and in turns the brand as well. References

Nidhi Bhatnagar
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