Impact factor of Journal:
Impact factor is a tool to measure the frequency of average article of a journal has been cited yearly. Based on this frequency significance or rank of a journal is being calculated using number of times article or paper are cited. Eigenfactor is another way of finding ranking of a journal. Eigenfactor scores measures that how likely a journal is to be used. Another indicator of rank is SCImago Journal Rank. It is a portal basically. It includes the journals and its country, it reflects the rank scientifically based on the information contained in the scopus database. There are more than 15000 journals in the Scopus list. SCImago assign weights to bibliographic citations that is based on the significance of the journal. SNIP (Source Normalised Impact per Paper) is another indicator of the ranking of a journal by considering contextual citation based on weighting citations that depends upon total number of citations in specific subject. Single sitation’s impact is given higher value in SNIP. Overall all tools are simply indicator of significance of journal based on its frequency of citations.
Impact factor calculation is based on two years period. Its calculation considers citable articles and number of time an article has been cited. This can be explained using an example. Suppose one has to calculate impact factor in 2022. Then the number of times articles published in 2020 and 2021 were cited by indexed journals during 2022 will be considered. Then total number of citable items those were published in 2020 and 2021 will be considered for its calculation. Ratio of both will reflect the impact factor of 2022.